Casino Rama Revenue Sharing Agreement

The leaders of the Rama First Nation have remained stable for years. Elected in 2000, Rama First Nation is Chief Sharon Stinson Henry during his fifth term. It has evolved and believes that the successful leadership of Rama First Nation has created a profitable operation. It states that, since they have assumed most of the risks and responsibilities, they should also benefit from the majority of financial rewards. Stinson Henry says, “With a lot of work, I`m proud to say we`re Ontario`s most successful casino.” OFNLP2008, on behalf of 132 First Nation Partners, receives 1.7% of OLG`s total revenue. After deducting business expenses, the proceeds are distributed in 12 monthly payments to compliant First Nation partners. They are called First Nations one-way. The share of an unsigned first nation in the revenue from the new agreement will be stored in a separate account. The amount and interest held will be distributed to the First Nation when it signs the new partnership.

If the First Nation does not sign before the termination date of the new agreement (fiscal year 2033), the amount held and interest will be distributed among the other First Nation partners. Ontario Lottery and Gaming has entered into a 20-year agreement with Rama First Nation to continue operating a casino in the countryside north of Orillia. In addition, First Nation Partners continued to benefit from Casino Rama`s net sales between 2008 and 2011. The new agreement also provides for additional financial benefits and one-time funding of $2.3 million for a new training and development centre in Rama, which has a population of about 1,500. Since its opening in 1996, Casino Rama has generated more than $5.2 billion in gross revenue. Casino Rama`s financial and employment results have created a better quality of life for all. Half of the 1,500 members of the Rama First Nation live on the 2,800-hectare Rama Reserve. Stinson Henry says the money First Nation has received over the years has ensured good governance. This social transformation inspired them to pursue the case.

“We have used revenues to improve education, municipal and economic development, health and social services,” she says. The distribution formula of the early 1990s decreed that the Casino would pay 20% of its gross revenues directly to the provincial government of Ontario. On the net balance, Rama First Nation would receive 35%; the most recent 65% would then be distributed among the other 133 First Nations living in the country. A few days after the financial agreement was reached in 2008, the province made a one-time signature payment of $201 million to OFNLP2008. As of April 1, 2011, first Nation Partners has received 1.7% of all gross gaming revenues generated by OLG across Ontario. Based on very long-term forecasts of OLG`s gross revenue, the 1.7% is expected to generate about $3 billion by 2033. The Ontario government is taking a 20 per cent reduction in gross revenues from all of its casinos, but 133 Ontario First Nations are splitting Casino Rama`s net income. First Nation partners may decide to make up to 15% of the proceeds available for collective financing (for example, a collective investment fund. B) over a period of time.

This result is achieved by an extraordinary resolution which requires positive support of 66.66% at a meeting of partners duly convened. Section 7.2 is the applicable provision of the single limited partnership agreement. First Nation partners may decide to provide up to 15% of the revenues in a given year for collective funding.