Que Es Un Scheduling Agreement

The delivery plan is a long-term sales contract with the Kreditor, in which a creditor is required to provide equipment on pre-determined terms. Details of the delivery date and the amount communicated to the creditor in the form of the delivery plan. Your contract should specifically mention the delivery plan as mandatory. You can also write the delivery plan directly into your contract. If this is too complicated, you can lay the groundwork for the delivery plan in the contract and then add an endorsement that details the details. Your contract is legally binding only if it is included in one way or another in a treaty. Now, the system must display two deliveries that must be delivered on the following dates, based on the classifications that maintain the delivery plan: Once you have established the delivery plan and are satisfied with the information provided, tap CTRL-S to register the delivery plan. The delivery plan has been successfully registered SAP SAP SD`s standard delivery plans generally contain: The use of delivery plans can reduce processing times and reduce red tape. A delivery plan can replace many discrete orders or devotional orders.

As a delivery plan is a legal document, the system asks you to fill out the validity data: to establish a delivery plan, use the following path: logistics – > sales – > sale – > delivery contract – > Create (transactional code: VA31) The contract is a contract draft contract, and they do not contain delivery dates for the equipment. The contract consists of two types: This part is called the head of the delivery plan: Header von Lieferplan Please populate the validity dates of the delivery plan, i.e. “Valid” and “Valid until” Date: Enter the validity dates of the delivery plan. You`ll know what SAP SD delivery plans are for and how to create them.