(e) Up to 4 hours are credited for the service of teacher, teacher, lecturer or spokesperson and for publication in a specialized journal or other scientific publication on the pharmacology or practice of NRCs. The application must be submitted prior to service or notification or within 90 days of the publication date, to ensure that the committee will approve the service or publication and to allow the committee to determine the number of contact hours to be granted. (e) The clinical facilities of the NPRC program must offer a wide variety of experiences with sufficient quality and quantity. Clinical experience must be consistent with the scope of the practice. (2) The organization, conduct and follow-up of diagnostic tests for patients and, to the extent that the interpretation of diagnostic tests is within the scope of the CRNP specialty and is in accordance with the cooperation agreement, diagnostic tests may be interpreted. (i) CRNP graduates must have a thorough understanding of pharmacological principles, including the level of cellular response. This essential content must also include pharmacotherapeutic drugs and pharmacokinetics of many categories of pharmacological substances. Advanced pharmacology is taught in a separate or special 3 or 45-hour credit course. Pharmacological content must also be integrated into other content areas identified in the Advanced Practice Care Centre.
The application of this content should continue as part of the content and clinical experience of the NPRC`s preparation program for practice in a professional practice area. Suspensions related to the practice of the CRNA have also been announced. Currently, NRCs are required to administer anesthesia in collaboration with a surgeon or dentist. The requirement to administer anesthesia in collaboration with a surgeon is temporarily removed and replaced by a physician. (1) A NPR can write a recipe for a regulated substance on schedule II for delivery of up to 30 days, as stipulated in the cooperation agreement. (a) the cooperation agreement between a physician and a NPRC that will prescribe and deliver and deliver drugs and other therapeutic or remedial medical measures, in accordance with the provisions of letter 21.283 A regarding the mandate and qualifications for prescribing, dispensing and dispensing drugs). The agreement must specify how the cooperation agreement is implemented if the doctor or pharmacist who is a contracting party to the cooperation agreement is temporarily indiscipable to participate in its implementation.