Flipkart Agreement

For paid search ads through Google AdWords campaigns or other search engines, affiliated users cannot send directly to the Flipkart site via keyword offers or other paid search activities. However, if your paid search ads create without the use of flipcard brands or variations and fakes, by sending users to your own website, and then by indicating affiliate links to the Flipkart site, you can earn a referral fee for justified purchases from users who click on your website through your paid search ads and then click on the Flipkart website. You should not include Flipkart domain names (www.flipkart.com) in advertising copies of your AdWords campaigns as an URLordestination/Landing Site display. Any affiliate we have found/identified (we have identification systems) that directly guides the user/traffic to the Flipkart site via paid search ads will be penalized. Failure to comply would result not only in the suspension of your affiliate account, but also in the removal of all remaining commissions and commissions. Flipkart respects the intellectual property of others. If you feel your brand has been injured, you can write Flipkart infringement@flipkart.com or ss@flipkart.com. 4. The seller rejects the replacement application, the buyer can argue a dispute by writing to resolution@flipkart.com. Disputes are submitted due to a disagreement between the buyer and the seller. Disputes arise from a problem raised by both parties who are not entirely satisfied with the resolution of their complaint/issue. 5. Flipkart reserves the right to refuse to process transactions by a buyer with a history of questionable fees, including, but not limited to the violation of the buyer`s agreements with the flipcard, or a violation of the laws or commissions collected by the issuing bank or against a directive.

This agreement contains the terms and conditions applicable to an individual or company`s participation in the Flipkart affiliate program (the “program”). As used in this agreement, means “we,” “we” or “our” Flipkart Internet Private Limited or one of our affiliates; Parent or the companies of the group and our successors and beneficiaries of the assignment, as appropriate, and “they” designate the applicant. Flipkart Site together means the flipkart.com site, the Flipkart mobile site and the Flipkart mobile apps. “Your website” refers to your website where you have a link to Flipkart`s website (and which you identify in your program application). With the exception of our Section 4 transfer fee obligation, which may be exercised exclusively by us, we may result in our obligations under this agreement being met on our behalf by one of our affiliates (defined below). In order to use the buyer`s protection program, buyers must first contact the seller and try to resolve the issue. If the buyer does not hear about the seller or is unable to resolve the problem with the seller even after contact, a dispute with Flipkart may be by writing an email to resolution@flipkart.com The buyer can write to resolution@flipkart.com if the problem with the seller is not resolved. Flipkart`s customer support team will review the case to look for possible fraud and whether the blacklisted/buyer has been blocked from making purchases on the site. It is only after checking these facts that a dispute can be registered. This agreement must also include a price guarantee clause, which means that when a product is sold in another market at a lower operating price than agreed, the platform has the freedom to maintain that product according to price.