Master service agreements, basic order agreements or other contracts requiring multiple operating contracts, project contracts or similar structures may not constitute an agreement without these orders. Many creators and even other companies often use master service agreements or similar agreements that provide a framework for a business relationship. The Master Services Agreement describes the relationship, that is, how billing will work, when intellectual property rights can be transferred, dispute resolution procedures and other “boiler platform” terms and conditions. Often, parties use transaction orders to describe the work to be done, the delivery schedule, pricing and other obligations specifically related to a particular project. Some of these relationships can handle many overlapping tasks at the same time. 12. RESPECT FOR TRADE. All content, services and technologies contained (together the “materials” provided under this framework agreement) are subject to government restrictions on exports and imports, including, under and restricted, (i) U.S. and European Union exports and third country re-exports in the form obtained; (ii) exports from other countries where materials can be manufactured or manufactured; (iii) disclosure of the technology to non-U.S. individuals; (iv) exports from other countries or from commodity products; and (v) the importation and/or use of materials outside the United States or other countries (together “trade laws”). The customer must comply with all commercial laws. A deviation contrary to U.S. or other trade laws is strictly prohibited.
In addition, the customer cannot send or transmit data controlled by the International Traffic in Arms (“ITAR”) to EMC and does not wish to request equipment or service from EMC if an ITAR license is required to enable EMC to provide such materials or services, unless the EMC Global Trade Compliance Group has signed a specific agreement approving the supply of ITAR equipment or service to the customer. The customer assures and guarantees that he (a) is not on the lists of limited parts found on; (b) in a country classified as an embargo by the United States (identified as an E:1 country in Supplement 1 to Part 740 of the United States Export Administration Regulations (“EAR”), as stated here and updated from time to time:; or (c) are involved in the proliferation of weapons of mass destruction (nuclear, chemical or biological weapons or missiles).