Master Service Agreement In Portuguese

2.5 During the subscription period, Qubit may allow the customer to test one or more new Qubit products that have not yet been made public (each of these events is a “usability study”). The objective of a usability study is to test and study the ease of use of one or more preversion products developed by Qubit that Qubit can make available to the customer for such purposes (together the “test products”). These test products are made available to the customer via the Qubit online user interface and are clearly labeled as test products. The customer acknowledges and accepts that its use of test products is subject to the terms of the Qubit Trusted Test agreement, which are available from time to time at:, which is included as a reference. Customers can use certain Qubit Professional services that can be billed to resolve issues related to the excluded areas of this subsection. For these services, it may be necessary for the client to subscribe to a network evaluation and/or qubit provide access to the client`s network to diagnose the problem. 2.2 The customer must (a) allow Qubit to support and cooperate with Qubit in order to control actual page view data and/or actual transaction data (if any) for the purposes of calculating subscription fees; b) Qubit: (i) to grant all necessary cooperation to this agreement; and (ii) any access to the information necessary to enable and receive products, including access to customer data, security access information, and configuration settings and services; (c) comply with all applicable laws and regulations of a government authority with respect to its activities under this agreement; (d) to carry out all the tasks defined in this agreement in a timely and efficient manner. In the event of a delay in providing assistance or information by the customer, as agreed by the parties, Qubit may adjust the agreed delivery schedule or plan so that it is reasonably necessary to compensate for the delay; and (e) are solely responsible for the purchase and maintenance of the customer`s computer equipment, network connections and communications, as well as their security; (ii) any problems, conditions, delays, delivery defects and any other loss or damage caused or caused by the internet or related to the customer`s network or telecommunications connections; and (iii) all customer account uses. Customers are committed to ensuring that their network and systems (including their Internet browser) meet the specifications provided by Qubit in its modified or modified version. Intellectual property rights: all intellectual property rights in all parts of the world, including patents, invention rights, utility models, copyrights and neighbouring rights, trademarks and services, trade, trade and domain names, commercial representation rights, rights to value or transfer action, unfair competition rights, design rights, computer software rights, database rights, semiconductor and topography rights, moral rights, rights to confidential information (including know-how and trade secrets) and any other intellectual property rights, in any case registered or unreg registered, including all applications and extensions or extensions of these rights , as well as any similar or equivalent protection rights that exist or will exist in the future.