While Article 435, paragraph 2, containing its annexes to the Treaty of Versaille has not repealed the aforementioned free zone provisions, it has also not, to its effect, the abolition of free zones. Indeed, the High Contracting Parties, having failed to invoke, in Article 435, paragraph 2, of the Treaty of Versailler, their statement on the inconsistency of the previous free zone provisions with these conditions, have different consequences than those which France and Switzerland agree to agree to settle the status of these zones under the conditions considered appropriate by both countries. which are considered appropriate by both countries. without prejudging the question of the content of this agreement, which, therefore, may or may not lead, in accordance with the common will of the parties, to the lifting of the free zone regime; Given that, in its note of 5 May 1919, attached to this article, Switzerland made an explicit reservation regarding the future abolition of the free zone regime arising from the previous provisions governing it, it is nevertheless important to point out that in the future, specific agreements involving international disputes before the Court of Justice, taking due account of the forms that will take them into account. , in which the Court must express its opinion, in accordance with the specific provisions of the constitutional provisions relating to its activities, the Court of Justice may, in good standing and without recourse to a construction which must be considered strictly exceptional, 1.3 possible modifications of the contract which differ from those previously agreed (. B for example, the modified prices, the different premises) , is communicated by the HOTELVOY SA BAUR IN VILLE to the organizer, as soon as the changes to the treaty are known, in writing as soon as possible. The amendments are deemed to be accepted by both parties, as long as the organizer does not present an explicit objection within five working days from the date of filing (subject, of course, to another agreement by the parties in this context). The annexation was announced on June 14, 1860. On August 23, 1860 and March 7, 1861, two agreements were signed between the Second French Reich and the Kingdom of Sardinia to resolve other issues relating to annexation. [16] [17] The French government was very pleased to learn of this agreement and, at its request, Article 435, adopted by Allied and associate governments, was inserted in the conditions of peace subject to the German plenipotentiaries. “The High Contracting Parties recognize the guarantees: which, in the treaties of 1815 and in particular in the act of 20 November 1815, in favour of Switzerland, the aforementioned guarantees, which constitute international obligations for the maintenance of peace, declare that the provisions of these treaties, conventions, declarations and other complementary acts concerning the neutralised area of the Savoy , as set out in paragraph 1 of Article 92 of the final act of the Vienna Congress and paragraph 1 of the Vienna Congress, 2 of Article 3 of the Treaty of Paris of 20 November 1815 are no longer in accordance with current conditions.